Horace & Mabel Hackett Foundation
Know as "America's Original car Capital" Jackson, Michigan is home to the new Hackett Auto Museum offering visitors an opportunity to explore a significant historic and architectural location that
was once the home to some of America's greatest automotive pioneers.
Names like
David Buick, Benjamin Briscoe, Mansell Hackett, Byron J. Carter and
others all walked and worked in this historic circa 1901 brick building built in the New-England mill style of the early twentieth century. Of the thirty-three cars designed, engineered, manufactured and produced in Jackson, fifth-teen were made at the site of the Hackett Auto Museum.
Currently the museum offers many special public educational programs, as it continues to restore the historic building that was the birthplace of the Jaxon steam car, Jackson gasoline car, Standard Electric car, Argo and Hackett automobiles.
Please see, www.HackettAutoMuseum.org for details of current and upcoming community events.