nicole, bonnie and amanda getting picture taken downtown lansing

Schedule a Training with Nicole, Bonnie & Amanda

Add Your Events, Properties & Deals

We would like to come to your area and help you add your events, properties & deals on the Pure Michigan website. 

Posting your unique, ordinary, like no other tourism-related property, event, deal/package on the website will give visitors the boost to visit and experience your area. We can help you do just that. 

Nicole is interested in obtaining written content regarding the hidden gems in your area.


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Would you like to schedule a training with Amanda and Bonnie to learn how to add your events, properties & deals on  Contact us today!

Bonnie Fink

Email: [email protected]

Amanda Munson

Email: [email protected]

Share Your Amazing Photos

We encourage you to share your photos with your # and #PureMichigan