dune buggy on the dunes, footprints in the fine sand, sun is shining bright

Silver Lake

Think Dunes

Silver Lake Sand Dunes is best known for dune adventures, but there is so much more to explore. Our Lake Michigan shoreline delivers an experience complete with watersports, riding stables, hiking trails, farmers markets, local eateries... all the best that "Up North" has to offer. Whatever your speed, Silver Lake will deliver a vacation that will keep you coming back for more. 

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Discover Silver Lake

Each year, thousands "Duners" make their way to Silver Lake to experience some free-roaming fun unlike any other destination in Michigan. Silver Lake State Park open April 1 to October 31 each year invites you to experience 360° of lakeshore adventure. Home to nearly 2,000 acres of sand dunes, Lake Michigan Beach at Little Sable Lighthouse, a pedestrian beach area on inland Silver Lake and, of course the most popular attraction, the 450-acre ORV scramble area. Silver Lake is your perfect destination for outdoor recreation no matter what size adventure you have in mind! Plan your adventure today! 

videos of silver lake area
Family Fun at Silver Lake
Think Adventure
Welcome to Silver Lake
Fat Tire Bike Tour of Silver Lake Sand Dunes
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Family Fun at Silver Lake
Think Adventure
Welcome to Silver Lake
Fat Tire Bike Tour of Silver Lake Sand Dunes

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