Located just a 5 minute walk from the heart of the Main Street downtown area, Ann Arbor Distilling Company sources local grain and fruits which we turn into award winning spirits. Working with amazing Michigan agricultural goods and our talented distillers, we make a full range of spirits including our award-winning ARBOR Seasonal Gins and Wheat Vodka, Spaulding's Coffee Liqueur, Water Hill Absinthe, our lineup of Water Hill Fruit Liquers and our Fox River line of Whiskey. Our small distillery features a cozy tasting room serving some of the best cocktails Michigan has to offer.
Everything we produce is made with Michigan ingredients - produced, distilled, bottled and packaged exclusively on site at our distillery in Ann Arbor. Come visit us to see for yourself, or look for our products at retailers, bars and restaurants acros the State of Michigan.
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