This 92-mile linear trail state park connects Comstock Park (in the Grand Rapids area) to Cadillac. It follows the rail bed of the old Grand Rapids and Indiana Railroad. Asphalt covers much of the trail, except for a 22-mile section between Howard City and Big Rapids that’s natural ballast and hard-packed gravel.
Cadillac trailhead: Take U.S. 131 north to exit 180 (Division Street) Turn West on Division street and follow for 1.5 miles until it turns into Lake Street. Turn south on Lake Street and arrive at the trailhead (located on the east side of Lake Street).
E. 44 Road trailhead (Just south of Cadillac): Take U.S. 131 north to the M-115 exit and go northwest for a half-mile. Take North 41 Road 1 mile north to North 44 Road. Go west on North 44 Road approximately a half-mile.
Big Rapids trailhead: Take U.S. 131 to Big Rapids, exit 139. Take M-20 east through town, including the downtown, cross the Muskegon River and at the traffic light proceed straight for one-tenth of a mile to the depot staging area; turn south.
Russel Road trailhead: Take U.S. 131 to the exit for M-57 and head east on M-57. Turn north on Summit Avenue and continue until Russel Road. The trailhead is just north of the Summit Avenue and Russel Road intersection.
Rogue River Park, Belmont, trailhead: Take U.S. 131 to exit 95 (Post Drive). Take Post Drive east to Belmont Road. Take Belmont Road a quarter-mile south to Rogue River Park entrance; turn left.
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