lighthouse on the rocks on pretty summer day, water is bright aqua blue, not a cloud in the sky

Eagle Harbor

This small village in the Keweenaw Peninsula is nestled around the harbor and faces north overlooking Lake Superior. Its rugged coastline outside of town offers great agate hunting, but its the sandy beach in town that calls for countless hours of relaxation. The Eagle Harbor Lighthouse and the Life Saving Museum both share the community's maritime history with visitors, and numerous nearby hiking trails offer miles of quiet wilderness exploration. Be sure to grab a drink and try the Lobster Pizza at the Eagle Harbor Inn to cap off a rejuvenating visit. 

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The red brick Eagle Harbor Lighthouse sits on the rocky entrance to the harbor and is a working lighthouse as it still guides mariners across the northern edge of the Keweenaw Peninsula.Scuba divers will find many wrecks just off shore in the Keweenaw Underwater Preserve. Relax in Eagle Harbor and watch the "lakers" (Great Lakes freighters) and "salties" (ocean going foreign ships) as they pass.

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